在英格兰圣奥尔本斯的郊野中有着这样一座宛如宫廷版的哥特式建筑。没错!它就是集结了22个国家学生的贝尔学院。 一缕金光透过了狭长、古老的玻璃窗,新的一天又开始了。空气中弥漫着丝丝晨雾,伴着鸟儿忽近忽远的歌声,新一天的学习生涯也随之开始……
It's been a very long time that I want to go abroad for broadening my horizons and increasing knowledge. UK is one of my favorite countries. Fortunately, my mother helped me to join the BFSU summer camp to UK in the summer vocation.
Although that I have been to the United States just last year, this time, it is quiet different, because it is the first time that I went alone to other countries. In this trip, I’ve met many new friends also teachers! The day before I leave, my head was full of missing. But the second day, the day we leave, my feelings’s just like a flower that blooms in spring. When we arrived airport, I have totally changed. Then, I am in the plane that gonna take us to Guangzhou.
The summer of 2018 saw the first trip that I ever made abroad, and alone. Apart of having to manage every aspect of my everyday life on my own, I also needed to cope with the unimaginable challenge I encountered which was what I deem as the most valuable experience l had during my two-week stay.
This summer I took part in a summer camp in Australia and studied in Australia for seven days.